(San Francisco, CA, USA)
Since the COVID-19 lock down began in March, I have been asking friends and family to send me audio recordings of themselves breathing. I asked them to do this because breath/sharing air together throughout the pandemic and wildfire season is contentious, something we may fear given our current circumstances, and yet it is a marker and by product of togetherness; it’s part of the vibration we feel when we assemble and it is something I treasure. For Art Prospect I created a score of people breathing together that lasts for a few minutes. It is a file that participants can download off the website and listen to as they visit exhibition spaces. When listening, remember your role and the breath you will contribute in real time from your own body.
[with you, wherever that may be]

Annie Albagli is a multimedia artist whose work has been shown at such venues including the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, the Corcoran Gallery of Art, the Art Museum of the Americas, High Desert Test Sites HQ, and Fort Mason Center for the Arts. Her videos have been screened at Artist Television Access Network, the Tate Modern as part of the Imagined Biennials project, and most recently at the documentary film festival, ZWICKL. Albagli is currently an Affiliate Artist in Residence at the Headlands Center for the Arts.