2018 Kyiv
Being on the road is one of the most common human states, one where we see movement as a given and the inability of movement as a limitation. The road is seen as an image of overcoming the borders between “home” and “foreign” territory. Roads shape our individual cartography, unite and organize the urban space. They are a place of convergence of very different worlds (value-based, financial, physical possibilities). Roads are also about movement, about vectors and connections on very different levels: within a district, city, country, and beyond.
What is acoustic ecology and why does a city need a sound archive? How can an audio tour become a practice of focusing on the city's objects after the audiovisual fatigue? How is a city dweller’s trip as a passenger or pedestrian affected if they bypass all recreational spots and only repeat the same routes within one neighbourhood? What does the time machine set up in Podil look like and will the distressed city dweller notice it? Why do we feel nostalgia and how do we become accustomed to new phenomena and objects in public space? Can a person solve an arithmetic problem if it contains many urban unknowns?
During «4 Days on the Road» viewers had an opportunity to participate in 12 projects by artists from different cities of Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Moldova, and found answers to these questions.
The Podil bus station was the main venue of the festival, which featured four days of exhibitions, lectures and meetings with artists who shared their experience working on artistic projects.
Download program (.pdf)
Eltaj Zeynalov, Baku, Azerbaijan
Zhanna Gladko, Minsk, Belarus
Pavel Braila, Chisinau, Moldova
Seri/graph studio (Anya Ivanenko, Jenya Polosina), Kyiv, Ukraine
Valentina Petrova, Kyiv, Ukraine
Dima Levytskyi, Kyiv, Ukraine
Kateryna Voznytsya, Anton Prykhodko, Kyiv, Ukraine
Victoria Myronyuk, Kolomyya, Ukraine
Ujif_notfound [UN], Kyiv, Ukraine
Yana Bachynska, Lviv, Ukraine
Alexey Shmurak, Oleg Shpudeiko, Kyiv, Ukraine
Yevhenii Svystun, Kyiv, Ukraine
Organizers: CSM / Foundation Center for Contemporary Art.
Partners: Kyivpasservis JSC, Podil bus station, NAUKMA Culture and Arts Center.
This project is supported by CEC ArtsLink within the framework of the Art Prospect program.