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Four Days on the Road: open call for artists


CSM invites artists from Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan to participate in the project “Four Days on the Road” that will take place on September 27-30 as part of the Art Prospect public art festivals and residencies program.


The theme of roads describes the myriad of problems one encounters when interacting with modern public spaces in cities. Roads are part of the infrastructure, a space where motorists, pedestrians and cyclists coexist. Roads are also routes taken daily, which are particularly interesting to explore in the context of cognitive mapping – the formation of individual mental maps and routes. Roads unite and organize the urban space, they are a place of convergence of very different worlds (value-based, financial, physical possibilities). Roads are also about movement, about vectors and connections on very different levels: within a district, city, country, between countries.  


Being on the road is one of the most common human states, one where we see movement as a given and the inability of movement as a limitation. The road is seen as an image of overcoming the borders between “home” and “foreign” territory. Human life is also described as a path, one that has obstacles, ups and down – words that can both describe the movement of a body and a physical road. 


We invite you to explore the theme of roads in Kyiv’s Podil district. 


Podil is a historic district of Kyiv that in recent years has been the scene of important transformations for the city. Podil is also interesting as a point of intersection of various paths, and as a place of access to the Dnipro River, which never managed to become a transportation artery for the city. Podil is home to many galleries and art centers, and until 2016 included the office of CSM. It is important for us to try to lay new paths and roads together with artists in this important district in the city. 


Applications will be accepted through August 12, 2018 for project ideas in such media as installation, land art, performative practices, audio, photography, video and others. Ideas for projects of a procedural, documentary or participatory nature that can be completed at the time of opening or implemented as a work-in-progress on September 27-30 are also welcomed. The main requirement is that all projects must be implemented and presented in the public space, meet the program goals and explore the project theme in Kyiv. 


We invite artists based in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine to participate in the project. By applying, the applicants confirm that they are able to implement the project in the given timeframe and present it on September 27-30, 2018 in Kyiv. The organizers will cover the expenses of creating the project (up to 800 USD per project) and artist’s honorarium. Artists from other countries will be provided coverage of travel expenses: flight, accommodation (up to 16 days), and per diem. Artists from other cities of Ukraine will be reimbursed for travel, and, if necessary, accommodation during the installation and presentation of their project.   


To apply, send the completed application form, CV and portfolio as pdfs, and designs/sketches for your work (if available) in jpg or pdf format to The maximum size of all files should not exceed 8 MB. All applications must be received electronically by 18:00 (Kyiv time) on August 12, 2018. 


Download the application form


The results will be announced on August 20, 2018. 


If you have any questions, please write to the project team at


This project is supported by CEC ArtsLink as part of is Art Prospect program. 


Art Prospect is a project which brings together arts organizations, artists, and curators from ten countries to challenge standard notions of public space, nationality and culture and demonstrate how artistic and social practices can stimulate community engagement and positive change.  


Art Prospect is a professional network to share information, resources, and practices about the arts and social change and to facilitate international exchange and collaboration through public art festivals, residencies, workshops, and seminars.  Platform Art Prospect is an initiative of CEC ArtsLink, a nonprofit organization with offices in New York and St. Petersburg that promotes mutual beneficial international communication and understanding through collaborative, innovative arts projects. CEC ArtsLink has been organizing public art festivals in St. Petersburg since 2012, and in 2017 Art Prospect festivals were held for the first time in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) and Baku (Azerbaijan). The festivals aim to promote new forms of creative collaboration by giving artists and community members the opportunity to explore the urban environment, define and redefine its aesthetic, historical, cultural, and social components. 


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